A Thank You for Everyday

Everyday is like any other day.

Until you notice each Sunrise and Sunset has unique signatures

And you realize that you overlook a fact - there is a new face each day you behold

The peculiarities of each moment - a wonderment.

Like never again; suckling from a sweet mother.

That moment your sister is another's wife.

When all you have left is tears whether good or bad

when you have to walk alone ...knowing is the criterion for turning points

Each passing moment is a memory worthy of a collector's closet.

So take now, like the only Oasis.

So fathomlessly precious to show gratitude.

Smile too, for it brightens all that concerns you.

For if you miss now, a smile later could be termed a simper.

Moments are but fleeting and are sooner gone before any one can possesses them.

Besides the world never freezes when you cry.

Blow a kiss in the manner of a pollen

It never returns without a germination.

Knowing that kindness is a fruitful garden in a desert.

Photocredit: Pending.
