Wonders and Childhood

When I was a child, nothing was impossible. Everything was a wonder. Possibly fairies were part of my circle of friends. I had a thousand questions to volley at people. Optimism was a chronic flair, i put up with. But when the knocks of life, started their battering, soon my wings, did not feel like soaring. Yet, I believe in life and its effervescent beauty and charm. And it only takes the Sunrise and its subsequent rejuvenation to flap and again I head for the stars.
As I get older, it gives me cravings of capturing just few moments in time to be a child again. with no care in the world,nor worry about the next meal, neither people's expectations having no effect on me. Yet, loving every one I come in contact with as a divine manifestation of the glory of God. Free to cry, laugh, and cut some slack to be human. Am I nostalgic?, Yea, sometimes, and I cannot help it. I wonder, if you feel same sometimes.
